- Draft Acts
- Islamic Bank Companies Act
- The Negotiable Instruments Act, 2021
- The Secured Transaction (Movable Property) Act
- National Payment System Act
- Banking Company Amendment Act, 2011
- Offshore Banking Act, 2024 (English Text)
(Please email your feedback/coments/suggestions to a.uddin@bb.org.bd and faisal.khan@bb.org.bd within 30th November, 2024)
- Draft Circulars
- Guidelines on Foreign exchange transactions of freight forwarders against multimodal transportations
(Please email your feedback/coments/suggestions to fayaza.rahman@bb.org.bd and mukta.saha@bb.org.bd)
- Draft Guidelines
- Guidelines on Partner Network Version 1.0
- Cyber Security Framework Version 1.0
- Draft of Foreign Exchange Risk Management Guidelines
- Draft Guidelines on Core Banking Solution (CBS) Features and Controls for Banks
- Draft Guidelines on Sustainability Reporting and Climate related financial disclosure for Banks and FIs .
- Guidelines on Environmental & Social Risk Management (ESRM) for Banks and Financial Institutions in Bangladesh and Excel-based Risk Rating Model
(Please email your feedback/coments/suggestions to faijus.salehin@bb.org.bd within 15 January, 2025)
- Guidelines for Trust Fund management in payment and settlement services
- Sustainable Finance Policy for Banks & FIs [Draft Reporting format ]
- Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Operating Guidelines (Draft)(Provide your feedback/comments/suggestions at gm.psd@bb.org.bd)
- Guidelines to Fill in the Non-Bank Financial Institutions returns-1, 2 & 3
- Guidelines For Foreign Exchange Transactions 2016 (Vol-1)
- Foreign Exchange Risk Management Guidelines
- Policies and guidelines for New CIB Online Solution, 2015
- CIB Online User Guide, 2015
- CIB Batch Contribution User Guide, 2015
- Guidelines on Internal Control & Compliance in Banks [English]
- Risk Assessment Guideline for Banking Sector [English]
- CSR engagements: Indicative Guidelines for expenditure allocations and end use oversight [English]
- Guidelines on outsourcing arrangements [Bangla] [English]
- Guidelines to fill in the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Returns and Related Rationalized Input Template (RIT)(First Edition: February, 2013)
- Basel Accord for Financial Institution (BAFI)
(Provide your feedback/comments/suggestions at chowdhury.ali@bb.org.bd and amitabh.chakraborty@bb.org.bd)
- Bangladesh Financial Sector Support Project (FSSP): Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) English Bangla [updated as on April 01, 2015]
- Investment Promotion and Financing Facility (IPFF):Executive Summary for Draft ESMF Report [Bangla]
- Investment Promotion and Financing Facility (IPFF):Final draft ESMF Report