Bangladesh Bank

Auction (Re-Issue) of the 20-year BGTB with 7.75% Coupon Rate was held on May 31, 2022.

Date: 02 June, 2022
Serial: 05/2022-164

Auction no.86/2021-22 of 20-Year Bangladesh Government Treasury Bond was held on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. Of which, 68 bids amounting to Taka 2462.22 crore were offered against the pre-targeted amount of Taka 2000.00 crore. Of those, 21 bids amounting to Taka 464.62 crore were accepted by the auction committee and remaining Taka 1535.38 crore was devolved on Bangladesh Bank. The cut-off price of the accepted bids was Taka 92.4039 (Per 100.00 Taka).