Bangladesh Bank

Department of Banking Inspection 7   

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Dr. Md. Habibur RahmanDeputy Governor
Md. Sawkatul AlamExecutive Director
Gazi Md. Mahfuzul IslamDirector (DBI-7)

Bangladesh Bank regulates and supervises the banking companies of the country vide Article 7A(f) of Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 and Section 44 of the Bank Companies Act, 1991.

Department of Banking Inspection-7 supervises the activities of five shariah based Islamic commercial banks and also supervises the activities of Islamic branches and windows of the conventional private banks under Department of Banking Inspection-3, Department of Banking Inspection-4 and Department of Banking Inspection-5. This department examines the books of accounts and related documents/records of these banks/branches on sample basis with a view to ascertain their financial soundness, quality of portfolios, management efficiency and risk exposure so that their operations cannot be detrimental to depositors' interest in general and to the economy as a whole.

    This department conducts following types of inspections
  • A) Comprehensive/Regular/Traditional Inspection
  • B) Core Risk Inspection, and
  • C) Special Inspection.

A. Comprehensive Inspection:
    Comprehensive inspections are conducted as per inspection program prepared annually. Some key areas of comprehensive inspection are:
  1. Evaluation of assets giving emphasis on classification and provisioning;
  2. Assessment of regulatory capital requirement;
  3. Verification of window-dressing relating to profit;
  4. Review of liquidity position;
  5. Evaluation of loan operation;
  6. In-depth analysis of large loans and concentrated of credit;
  7. Detection of fraud, forgery and actions taken against thereof;
  8. Evaluation of quality of corporate governance and customer services and
  9. Compliance with various guidelines/instructions/circulars issued by Bangladesh Bank as well as other regulatory authorities (e.g. Ministry of Finance, National Board of Revenue, Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms, Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission, etc.).
B. Core Risk Inspection:
    This department conducts risk based inspections covering following key risk areas:
  1. Credit Risk Management (CRM);
  2. Internal Control and Compliance (ICC);
  3. Asset-Liability Management (ALM) and
  4. Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
  5. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) System
C. Special Inspection
Special inspections are conducted beyond routine programs, such as on weaknesses/ risk areas identified from information submitted by the banks through statements/reports, Integrated Supervision System (ISS), Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW), etc. or as per instruction of appropriate authority.

Inspection reports are prepared by the inspection teams incorporating their findings and recommendations are solely meant for compliance by the banks. Based on the findings of the inspection, banks are assigned supervisory ratings using the CAMELS supervisory model. The Department also examines and monitors the compliance of findings of inspections and whether the bank's actions are adequate/appropriate in respect of the implementation of the recommendations given in the inspection reports. On various circumstances banks are informed the major areas of supervisory concern that need immediate rectification. If necessary, supervisory discussions are held to ensure drawing up of specific, time-bound and achievable action plan. Moreover, a specific unit, namely Enforcement and Implementation Unit (E&IU), is assigned for intense monitoring of the compliance status of the banks.