Bangladesh Bank

Second Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Development Project   

Name & Designation Email Telephone Fax
S.M. Abdul HakimExecutive Director
Munira IslamDirector

Second Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Development Project (SMEDP-2) was aimed at accelerating the development of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh, especially SMEs located outside of the metropolitan areas of Dhaka and Chattogram, by improving their access to bank financing through on-lending by the participating financial institutions (PFIs) to eligible SMEs. The project is composed of a USD 200 million loan (Loan #3367BAN) from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and USD 40 million from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB).

Project Objectives:

  • Increasing medium and long-term credit to CMSMEs, SME clusters and BSCIC estates in rural areas outside Dhaka & Chattogram Metropolitan areas.
  • Strengthening capacity of CMSME entrepreneurs to access bank financing.
  • Strengthening managerial and technical capacity of CMSME support institutions such as Bangladesh Bank, SME Foundation, BSCIC.
  • Enhancing women-led CMSMEs' access to bank finance and financial services.

  • SMEDP-2 at a Glance:

    Name of Project Second Small and Medium Sized Medium Enterprise Development Project (SMEDP-2)
    Project email adress
    Loan Number ADB Loan #3367BAN
    Duration ADP: June 2017 - 18 January 2021
    Non-ADP: June 2017 - December 2023
    Executing Agency Financial Institutions Division, Ministry of Finance
    Implementing Agency SMEDP-2 PMU, Bangladesh Bank
    Date of Approval 18 January 2017
    Total Fund Non-ADP: USD 240 Million (BDT 2050.40 Crore)
    ADB: USD 200 Million
    GoB: USD 40 Million
    ADP: USD 2.1 Million (BDT 16.71 Crore)
    ADB: USD 2.0 Million
    GoB: USD 0.1 Million (In-kind contribution)
    Disbursement BDT 2034.31 Crore
    Implementation Rate Non-ADP -99.2%, ADP -90.60%
    Number of PFIs 33
    No. of subloans refinanced 6,288

    Project Activities

    ADP Activities (June 2017-January 2021) Non-ADP Activities (April 2018 -June 2022)
    1. Two incubation centers were setup, one in Dhaka and another one in Chattogram to provide support for growth and development of SME entrepreneurs.
    2. 1000 SME entrepreneurs including women entrepreneurs and women leaders were trained on financial literacy, access to finance, refinance facility of SMEDP-2 and other relevant topics.
    3. 14 SME Entrepreneur-Banker seminars were organized in 14 districts on contemporary issues regarding SME financing.
    1. BDT 2034.31 Crore have been disbursed through 33 PFIs.
    2. 6,288 CMSME subprojects, including 1,256 women entrepreneurs, received refinancing.
    3. Cottage, Micro and Small enterprises received 78.39% and Medium enterprises received 21.61% of the disbursed fund.

    Awards Received:
    SlCategoryAwarded ByProgram
    1Overall Best ProjectADBGood Project Implementation Forum, 24-25 July 2019
    2Best Project: Exemplary Financial Management
    3Runners-Up Project: Exemplary Gender Mainstreaming
    4Most Improved Project