Statistics Department
Name & Designation | Telephone | Fax | |
Dr. Md. Habibur RahmanDeputy Governor | | 880-2-9530022(O) 01744226004(M) | |
Tarun Kanti GhoshExecutive Director (Statistics) | | 880-2- 9530244(O) 01720064345(M) | -- |
Dr. Muhammad Amir HossainDirector (Statistics) | | 880-41001440(O) 01742395045(M) | - |
Ashish Kumar RoyDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2- 9530526(O) 01708761139(M) | - |
Md. Anis Ur RahmanDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2-9530133(O) 01766273937,9530526(M) | -- |
Shabnam ShirinDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2-9530237(O) 01721099111(M) | - |
Md. Shafiqul IslamDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2-9530248(O) 01911751929(M) | - |
Md. Nurul IslamDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2-9530720(O) 01713384848(M) | -- |
Md. Habibour RahmanDirector (Statistics) | | 88-02-9530316(O) 01816347624(M) | -- |
Dr. Nargis HasinaDirector (Statistics) | | --(O) 01552306993(M) | -- |
Md. Masud Aktar TalukderDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2-9530238(O) 01711145928(M) | -- |
Md. Saiful IslamDirector (Statistics) | | 02-9530237(O) 01733150930(M) | -- |
Md. Zahedul IslamDirector (Statistics) | | 880-2-9530729(O) 01930661892(M) | -- |
Statistics Department is one of the most vital department in Bangladesh Bank. It collects, compiles and disseminates the data of money and banking, balance of payments (BOP), foreign exchange reserves, exchange rates, foreign trade, monetary survey, industrial and agricultural production, share price indices, domestic savings, foreign direct investment (FDI), external debt, portfolio investment, foreign assets and liabilities statistics etc. This department publishes regular publications such as Balance of Payments, Import Payments of Goods and Services, Export Receipts of Good and Services, Scheduled Bank Statistics, NBFIs Statistics, Foreign Direct Investment, External Debt and Monthly Economic Trend etc. The department brings out various publications/reports for National Parliament, Bangladesh Bank, government, non-government, international organizations, different donor agencies and acts as the source of all economic and financial data of Bangladesh which are used in IMF publications, such as, International Financial Statistics, Direction of Trade Statistics and Balance of Payments Yearbook etc.
- The Statistics Department Constitutes with following Division/Unit/Cell/Wing/Section:
- 1. Monetary and Financial Statistics (MFS) Division
- 2. Balance of Payments (BOP) Division
- 3. Banking Statistics (BS) Division
- 4. Non-bank Financial Institutions (NBFI) Statistics Division
- 5. Special Studies and Project (SSP) Division
- 6. Agent Banking Statistics (ABS) Division
- 7. Other Financial Corporations (OFCs) Survey Unit
- 8. e-Banking and e-Commerce (EBEC) Statistics Unit
- 9. Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) Unit
- 10. Financial Access Survey (FAS) Unit
- 11. Islamic Banking & Finance Database (IBFD) Unit
- 12. Big Data Analytics and Data Science (BDADS) Unit
- 13. Foreign Investment & External Debt (FIED) Management Cell
- 14. SAARCFINANCE Database (SFD) Cell
- 15. Open Government Data (OGD) Cell
- 16. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Wing
- 17. General Section (GS)
- 1. Monetary and Financial Statistics (MFS) Division:
- To collect, compile and disseminate the monetary and financial statistics on Monetary Authorities, Deposit Money Banks & Non Bank Depository Corporations according to demands.
- To collect and compile sector-wise balance sheet of Bangladesh Bank to prepare weekly/ monthly Monetary Authorities Accounts.
- To collect and compile sector-wise balance sheet information through SBS-1 from all scheduled banks (including offshore banking unit), NBFI & BSBL on monthly basis.
- To compile Reserve Money & Broad Money, prepare the IMF's report forms and disseminate to the IMF, World Bank, Different ministries, Bangladesh Bank Website and NSDP.
- Also prepare indices of industrial and agricultural production, stock exchange share prices, consumer price indices, commodity prices at international market, inflation rate, gross domestic income, interest rate structure, prices and production of various industrial and agricultural commodities, etc. and publish in the BB website along with "Monthly Economic Trends".
- 2. Balance of Payments (BOP) Division:
- To collect monthly foreign exchange transaction data from AD branches of scheduled banks, National Board of Revenue, Export Promotion Bureau, Economic Relations Division, NGO, Different department of Bangladesh Bank & Export Processing Zones.
- To compile monthly Bangladesh Balance of Payments statistics in standard and analytic formats as per BPM-6 of IMF, international investment position (IIP) statistics, commodity wise exports receipts & imports payments statistics and purpose wise invisible receipts & payments statistics.
- To collect and compile daily wage remittances.
- To collect and compile daily exchange rates.
- To prepare and provide monthly data on import, export and BOP to IMF on regular basis.
- To prepare quarterly review of import payments, export receipts & BOP statistics and publish in the BB website.
- To prepare booklet of import payments, export receipts and balance of payments (BOP) statistics on annual basis and publish in the BB website.
- 3. Banking Statistics (BS) Division:
- To collect account-wise data on deposits and advances of all customer from all Scheduled Banks on quarterly basis.
- To collect interest rate-wise data of deposits and advances of all Scheduled Banks and compile "Interest Rate Spread" and publish in the website on monthly basis.
- To collect, compile and publish Sector and Economic purpose wise data on Disbursement, Overdue, Recovery & Outstanding (DORO) of all scheduled banks on quarterly basis.
- To allocate bank code for new scheduled banks.
- To allocate branch code for new bank branches of all Scheduled Banks.
- To collect, compile and publish detailed data on geographical location of all Scheduled Banks branches.
- To publish "Scheduled Banks Statistics" booklet on the basis of account-wise deposits and advances data on quarterly basis.
- To conduct special inspection to determine the accuracy of the report submitted to Banking Statistics Division by the Scheduled Banks.
- To provide data as per requirement by different research organizations including different department of Bangladesh Bank, different ministries, National Parliament, IMF, World Bank etc.
- To prepare and publish necessary guidelines for collecting accurate data.
- 4. Non-bank Financial Institutions (NBFI) Statistics Division:
- To collect account-wise data on deposits and advances of all customers from all NBFIs on quarterly basis.
- To collect Sector and Economic purpose wise data of Disbursement, Overdue, Recovery & Outstanding of advances from all NBFIs on quarterly basis.
- To collect interest rate-wise data of deposits and advances of all NBFIs and prepare "Interest Rate Spread".
- To allocate NBFI code for new Non-bank Financial Institutions.
- To allocate branch code for new branches of all NBFIs.
- To collect, compile and publish detailed data on geographical location of all NBFIs.
- To publish "NBFIs Statistics" booklet on the ba sis of account-wise deposits and advances data on quarterly basis.
- To provide data as per requirement by different research organizations including different department of Bangladesh Bank, different ministries, IMF, World Bank etc.
- To prepare and publish necessary guidelines for collecting accurate data.
- 5. Special Studies and Project (SSP) Division:
- To collect and compile sending cost statistics of wage earners' remittance at from schedule banks on monthly basis.
- To prepare different outputs from compile cost statistics of wage earners.
- To prepare and provide SDG related indicators.
- To conduct statistical survey and research works for financial and non- financial sector in Bangladesh.
- 6. Agent Banking Statistics (ABS) Division:
- To provide unique code for Agent & Outlet according to Division, District, City Corporation, Upazila, and Union Parisad.
- To collect agent banking related data based on outlet (Geo-location and Gender wise Account & Transaction) through RIT and compile on monthly basis.
- To preserve final data on EDW and to prepare required output.
- To present summery on monthly basis for higher authority approval.
- To prepare Format and Guidelines for Agent Banking reporting and update if necessary.
- To supply compiled statistics as per requirements on Agent Banking to different division of Bangladesh Bank, different Ministry, Government-Private Offices and International Organizations.
- To publish Agent Banking statistics on Bangladesh Bank website regularly.
- 7. Other Financial Corporations (OFCs) Survey Unit:
- To collect the sectoral balance sheet information from other financial corporations i.e., Insurance Companies, Mutual Funds, Asset Management Companies, Merchant Banks, Brokarage Houses, Venture Capitals, Dhaka Stock Exchange, Chittagong Stock Exchange, CDBL, Non Depository NBFIs, PKSF, BHBFC, SMEF and other financial intermediaries etc. in enhancing the coverage of monetary and financial statistics.
- To disseminate the information collected through the OFCs survey to national and international organizations on the basis of their demand after compilation and necessary analysis of the data.
- To prepare the standardized report form (4SR) from the data collected through the OFCs survey and providing the data to the IMF on a regular basis.
- 8. e-Banking and e-Commerce (EBEC) Statistics Unit:
- To collect statistics of bank branches, special facilitated account, remittance, cheque clearing, electronic fund transfer, cards transactions, mobile financial services, internet banking, school banking, sms banking and agent banking data on monthly basis.
- To publish e-Banking and e-Commerce data entitled "Financial Inclusion and Digital Financial Statistics" in Bangladesh Bank website and Monthly Economic Trends regularly.
- To collect, provide and publish outlet and agent wise data and compiled statistics of agent banking.
- To collect, provide and publish district/upazilla wise special facilitated account data compiled statistics.
- 9. Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) Unit:
- To disseminate economic and financial data on timely basis as per recommendations of IMF with specific coverage, periodicity and timeliness.
- To collect data from different departments of Bangladesh Bank, Ministry of Finance and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and compile macroeconomic data.
- To upload data in National Summary Data Pages (NSDP) as per recommendations of IMF in BB Website.
- To maintain advance release calendar (ARC) for the requirement of SDDS.
- 10. Financial Access Survey (FAS) Unit:
- To collect and compile data from banks, non-bank financial institutions, insurance companies, post office saving banks, Cooperative banks/societies, micro-credit institutions, Investment corporation of Bangladesh (ICB), Bangladesh house building finance corporation (BHBFC) and other financial intermediaries (OFIs) etc. on annual basis as per guidelines of IMF.
- To compile accurate data and preserve the data in data warehouse.
- To provide compiled date in IMF's prescribed format subject to the approval by higher authority to IMF regularly through IMF's Integrated Collection System (ICS).
- To prepare and disseminate the output as per instruction of IMF for National Summary Data Page (NSDP).
- To incorporate the new indicators for reporting as well as to take necessary actions for expansion of the reporting institutions.
- To identify the prioritized regulations to enhance the financial inclusion programs.
- To organize training programs for collecting accurate data from scheduled banks and other organizations related with the program.
- 11. Islamic Banking & Finance Database (IBFD) Unit:
- To prepare the guidelines for information/data collection from Islamic sharia based banks and financial institutions and to collect and compile the information/data regularly.
- To preserve the compiled information/data in EDW and to prepare the necessary output.
- To publish the compiled information/data on Bangladesh Bank website regularly.
- To disseminate the compiled statistics to different departments of Bangladesh Bank, ministries, government, non-government and international organizations as per their requirements.
- 12. Big Data Analytics and Data Science (BDADS) Unit:
- To collect and compile data which is difficult in traditional system.
- To apply appropriate technique for forecasting major economic indicators.
- To monitor systemic risk for financial stability.
- To focus on the concrete action plan of central bank regarding data management challenges in light of FinTech developments in Banking/Financial sectors.
- To take necessary actions to get a deeper insight into the economies, enhance regulatory risk and vulnerabilities, sharpen surveillance and forecasting.
- To take measures and steer policy which impacts on real data.
- 13. Foreign Investment & External Debt (FIED) Management Cell:
- To collect and compile Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) statistics and Medium & Long-term (MLT) External Debt (ED) statistics covering both EPZ & Non-EPZ areas on quarterly basis.
- To collect and compile Portfolio Investment (PI) statistics & Short-term External Debt statistics on monthly basis.
- To collect and preserve the lists of FDI enterprises, portfolio investors and the enterprises having external debt from Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA), Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA), Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC), Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), schedule banks, etc.
- To prepare gross and net flows and stock of FDI, Portfolio Investment (PI) and External Debt by sectors, countries and other dimensions.
- To publish a booklet titled "Foreign Direct Investment & External Debt in Bangladesh" on half yearly basis.
- To provide information on FDI, Portfolio Investment (PI) and External Debt to the international organizations including International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, ADB & UNCTAD, national organizations along with ministries and different departments of Bangladesh Bank as per their requirements.
- 14. SAARCFINANCE Database (SFD) Cell:
- To collect data from different departments of Bangladesh Bank, Ministry of Finance, National Board of Revenue and Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and compile the data for SAARCFINANCE Database.
- To prepare some macroeconomic indicators for SAARCFINANCE Database.
- To collect, compile and provide data on macroeconomic and socioeconomic variables on monthly/quarterly/yearly basis to SAARCFINANCE Database and upload data in the website of SAARCFINANCE database.
- 15. Open Government Data (OGD) Cell:
- To collect publishable data from different departments of Bangladesh Bank, Scheduled Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions for public use in financial decision making.
- To compile collected data in prescribed format for publishing in the Open Government Data (OGD) platform;
- To upload the compiled data in OGD platform in prescribed format regularly.
- To take necessary action for the preservation of collected data in Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).
- To provide necessary data for the implementation of OGD related activities in prime Minister's office.
- To act as focal point of Bangladesh Bank in implementation of OGD.
- To maintain regular communication with institutions for the accuracy of data.
- 16. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Wing:
- To collect data and prepare Bangladesh Bank related Sustainable Development Goals' indicators.
- To provide data in SDG tracker under Access to Information (a2i) Program of the Prime Minister's Office.
- To monitor the performance of financial sector for achieving the SDGs and give statistical guideline to the policy maker.
- 17. General Section (GS):
- To prepare policy to achieve the departmental goals (Yearly/Half-yearly) as per strategic plan.
- To take initiative for departmental post creation/up-gradation and transfer/posting/ joining /release of the officials.
- To maintain all kinds of correspondence with different ministries & organizations and other departments of Bangladesh Bank.
- To maintain the correspondence with related departments regarding Departmental ICT Security.
- To maintain communication with the Internal Audit Department for all audit related matters.
- To make necessary arrangements for the employees to participate in training/seminar /workshops to enhance their official competence.
- To arrange training/seminar/workshop for capacity building of department and officials of DMBs, NBDCs.
- Collection and distribution of stationeries, dead stock, computers and accessories, maintaining petty cash, lunch allowance and maintaining all kinds of official files & records, preparing & sending statements to the related departments.
- For the proper management of departmental activities maintain communication with the concerned departments if there is any problems occur about utility related function.
- Bringing letters regularly from CRND and take measures to dispatch the concerned subdivision/cell/wing/unit.