Bangladesh Bank

Department of Currency Management

Name & Designation Email Telephone Fax
Nurun NaharDeputy Governor
Md. Forkan HossainExecutive Director
K. M. IbrahimDirector (DCM)

Department of Currency management is one of the core department of Bangladesh Bank. In compliance with the Bangladesh Bank Order, 1972 the Department of Currency Management is organized to procure bank/currency notes and coins and to arrange steady and prompt supply of the same as per needs of the country.

  • To procure bank/currency notes and coins of different denominations.
  • To ensure steady and smooth supply of bank notes/currency notes and coins.
  • To oversee and review policies relating to Cash Department from time to time.
  • To issue guidelines in respect of disposal of soiled and non-issue notes.
  • To issue policy guidelines in respect of re-issue notes .
  • To issue policy guidelines in order to withdraw and payment of exchange value of torn, defective and soiled notes .
  • To provide logistic support for smooth functioning of Cash Department.
  • To ensure standard policy measures in order to combat counterfeiting notes and to create awareness among public about forged/fake notes.
  • To ensure safe movement and transportation of government treasury in the country. To arrange and ensure supply of new notes to public on the eve of different festivals.
  • To conduct inspection of chest and sub chest..