'Circulation Desk' works as the library's information and help desk. All kinds of resources are been issued and returned through this desk. Users can avail re-issue service through e-mail and telephone. Moreover they can avail ‘Self re-issue’ service for a single time. Resources searching and locating services, Reminder (Due-Date) notifications are also provided under circulation service.
Documentation service houses reports and publications of the banks and financial institutions of home and abroad including Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), United Nations (UN), Asian Development Bank (ADB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and the like bodies and research organizations.
Institutional Repository (IR)/ Archive Services offers, as the name suggests, access to all the publications and intellectual output of Bangladesh Bank (BB) both in hardcopy as well as in softcopy. IR also preserves rules-regulations, manuals, policies, guidelines, circulars, orders, contracts, technical reports, important noting and rare documents of all the departments and regional offices of Bangladesh Bank. Besides, it collects and preserves PhD. and M.Phil. dissertation written by BB employees.
Different types of video documentaries, historical photographs, DVDs (OSCAR and Classical Movies) are available under BBL's AVLC service. There is a 'Language Corner' in this section containing various educational resources of IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, SAT as well as books on different languages such as French, German, etc. to develop language skills of the employees.
BBL also provides Current Awareness Service in the form of New Arrivals through New Arrival Shelves, emails, Bangladesh Bank Porikroma (a monthly bulletin of the organization) as well as through organization’s Intranet Portal.
The Library also provides SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information) service, if requested, by analyzing users profile according to the needs of users.
At present, BBL is collecting more than 30 national newspapers and more than 25 national and foreign magazines including Economist, TIME, Reader’s Digest, India Today, etc. in order to cater to users' needs.
Bangladesh Bank Library (BBL), being a member of Library Consortium of Bangladesh (LiCOB), previously known as Bangladesh INASP-PERI Consortium (BIPC), subscribes eJournals and eMagazines from international publishers as well as individually subscribes resources from Research4Life. In addition to facilitate research on Islamic Finance, Conventional Finance, Islamic Banking, Islamic Capital Market, Islamic Economics etc., the library has some subscribed resources from INCEIF of Malaysia.
The library personnel of Bangladesh Bank Library acts as guidance for the user community to help them identify their informational requirements, locate and provide access to the resources, thereby satisfying their needs.