Muktijuddho Corner

To uphold the ideology of Bangabandhu and the sentiment of liberation war, BBL has added 'Bangabandhu O Muktijuddho Corner' to its facilities to enlighten banking sector. Books, important publications, portraits and documentaries on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's life are available at the corner. The corner also has rare books, photos, movies on the Liberation War.

British Council Corner

Bangladesh Bank Library (BBL) houses 'British Council Corner' in collaboration with the British Council Bangladesh. The Corner at BBL’s premises is also referred to as 'British Council Satellite Library'. Under the Service Level Agreement (SLA), employees who become member of British Council paying subsidized membership fee can avail books and other resources (both Hardcopy and Softcopy) from this Satellite Library as well as from the Fuller Road library of the British Council.

CFA Zone

Bangladesh Bank Library recently inaugurated ‘CFA Zone’ in its premise to serve its user community with original resources from CFA Institute headquartered in the United States. Using the stored resources, one can participate in the examination of CFA program learning subjects like economics, financial statement analysis, equity and fixed income analysis, statistics, alternative investment, corporate finance, portfolio management, and the like.

Executive Corner

To provide tranquil environment for the study of high officials of the bank, there is an ‘Executive Corner’ in BBL. Governor, deputy governors and executive directors of Bangladesh Bank, senior officials of the Government of Bangladesh get the opportunity to study here.

Child Corner

In order to build and nourish intellects among children to protect civilization and culture, the BBL also preserves children's books in its collections. Children of Bangladesh Bank officials and employees can study their favorite books from the collection at their leisure period. These children's books are arranged in a separate shelf called 'Child Corner'.

Governor Shelf and Bangladesh Bank Writers’ Shelf

Books written by different governors are kept in a separate shelf, known as 'Governor Shelf’. Besides, books written by other officials of Bangladesh Bank are kept in 'BB Writers' Shelf'.

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