Functions of SMESPD
1.Formulation of effective policies and guidelines for sustainable development of the CMSME sector.
2. Monitoring the loans and advances extended to the CMSME sector along with resolving complaints from entrepreneurs through problem solution center.
3.Conducting women entrepreneurship development activities, providing financial facilities on easy terms & conditions with a view to increasing women’s participation in the mainstream economy.
4.Ensuring access to “Institutional Financial System” for the marginal, small and new entrepreneurs from rural and urban areas, socially underprivileged, neglected, handicapped, ethnic and third gender entrepreneurs.
5.Carrying out refinance/pre-finance schemes with financial assistance from the Government, Bangladesh Bank own source and different development agencies with a view to encouraging the banks and financial institutions to invest in the CMSME sector.
6. Organizing fairs, rallies and other promotional activities for creating awareness in CMSME financing with a special focus on women entrepreneur.
7.Providing the government with necessary information related to CMSME sectors leading to the formulation of Industrial policy & SME policy in the national level.
8. Providing answers to the queries made by the National Parliament, Ministry of Finance, and Prime Minister’s Office and other Ministries from time to time.